Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To My Daughter

I AM reading a book and enjoy every single word the author has tried to express based on his life experience. Since the author, Jim Roger is three time winner of Guinness record, no wonder his books are worth reading. This is first time I taste his book and much intend to read all his books in near future through national library. The book is dedicated to his two daughters and it is very much in line with my feeling toward my little daughter. At the end of the book, there is a section called Epilogue and I really appreciate to read that section. I would like to remember it for the rest of my life and also want to forward this wisdom words to my daughter when she grown up. This lead me copy those words to my very own blog so that I could able to retrieve it later in future easily. Hope the author will not disappoint at me for doing this without his consent. I did it because I really appreciate your wisdom, Sir. Dear my daughter, I sincerely hope that one day you'll access my blog and find this page and try to follow the little rules for your best interests.

Always buy quality products. They last longer and retain more value.

Always eat before you go grocery shopping! If you're hungry when you go, you'll end up buying more food than you need!

Anything that is a "must see," "must try," "must read," should almost certainly be avoided, especially if it is popular.

Use good manners no matter where you are or whom you meet. They are an eternal verity that will always distinguish you. Be sensitive to the mores of each society because "good manners" are often different in various cultures.

Beware of all politicians everywhere. They excelled at recess when they were in school but have excelled at little since.

Never ask someone how much money he or she makes, or how much something costs. Never tell someone how much your things cost. Never discuss how much money you make or have. My parents and grandparents ingrained this in me because it is ostentatious and poor manners, at least for us. Prove yourself by your actions rather than by talking about money. There are many folks these days who love discussing their money and flashing it about, but it is not the way I hope you will live.

If and when you borrow money, pay it back on time, if not in advance. Good credit is vital. A bad credit record will haunt you for years.

source: A Gift to My Children by Jim Rogers

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