Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To My Daughter 3

Dear my daughter.....

There are some general rules you should stick in mind when you are getting older to succed your life. I am sure they are worth to follow regardless of race, religious, background. As one beer company advertisement, "Best things in life are shared", I hope you may share these rules with your friends if you like it.

It is vitally important to maintain boundaries between work and life. Skip going out for drinks with the gang after work every night. You will notice that the boss does not do it, which is one reason that he is the boss. And while we are discussing the boss: There is rarely, if ever, any sound reason for you to have a drink with him or her alone, much less dinner. And while we are discussing drinking, never drink at a business lunch. Finally, and importantly, avoid in-office romances. They usually end in personal and professional disaster for one or both parties.

When you get older, remember that you will gain little from singles bars- the bartenders will learn and earn more from the experience than you will.

Always use the toilet before you set out on a long drive or make an apparence in public.

Learn to type and to sew. I never did, and I regret it often, on both counts.

Learn to do as much arithmetic and figures as possible in your head. This may sound strange, considering that calculators are everywhere, but you will have a leg up by understanding the numbers better than others, while also noticing anomalies others miss. Besides, what will they do when they've left their calculators at home? This will be a huge advantage for you as few will be able to keep up with you.

Finally, take care of yourself! It's difficult to be successful if you aren't healthy and rested You know how your mother is always putting sunscreen on you? She is exactly right.

Learn to stay calm - especially in times of pressure or turmoil. You will make much better decision plus everyone will soon notice you are calm under pressure when others are not. I have gotten better, but still am a hothead too often - and always regret it later.

Always be early for appointments. You will be much more efficient with your time and will make a very good impression since many arrive late - some repeatedly late.

Once you do get to know and understand yourself, remember who you are and stay with it. I still get carried away at times and act emotionally or do things at which I am not good. I always look back and try to kick myself into remembering I need to be true to myself.

I have learned in life that being greedy nearly always causes problems. An old Wall Street adage says: Bulls make money; bears make money. Pigs go broke.

Always ask questions and never be afraid to do so. The only dumb question is the one you do not ask.

Disclaimer: I am just copy from the book, A Gift to My Children....A Father's Lessons for Life and JIM ROGERS.
For more widom and advice from Jim Rogers, visit

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