Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Don't scare of debating

YESTERDAY, our parliament reconvened for fourth time since established. This time, NLD's newly elected MPs made their parliamentary debut as their April by-election winner empowered them to do so. Mostly are activist turn politician/law makers from NLD. With 43 seats in parliament, NLD has become main opposition party against ruling military back party. Coincidentally, parliament confirmed the news of vice-president resignation yesterday. In the mean time, there have been some speculation rumor suggesting there will be some of the same to be seen soon by AFP report. Unidentified report said at least 3 conservative senior ministers would be replaced by moderate level people to boost government's reform. International media has seen it an attempt of shedding hardliners. Some said major reshuffling by reformist president. Anyway, we all have to accept it as a good sign toward nation building.

One day after attending parliament, NLD's MPs start making voice to criticize the way parliament process. One female MP said, she is disappointed by seeing lack of debates in parliament. Another said, questions are not allowed in advance so that other can access and digest before final debate in section. I hope, there would be much more such cases we  would hear in future. One good sign is that lower house president is showing some flexibility following his study trip to Europe. I never doubt that it is good move by letting our elected MPs go visit study at mature nations. By doing so, their eyes and ears will surely become wider and deeper than before. Seeing is believing. Some of senior level ministers even dare to say in media conference that we have been late for few decades against our neighbors. Previously, there was no such thing to public admit for being least developed nation. 

As ASSK said, discrepancies mean democracy. We have to accept people's opinion on difference. Otherwise, we cannot find a proper solution. In past, our ministers have to say "yes" only to their supreme general. Now, we have been in transition of democracy and already got parliament where people's elected MPs can argue on opinion in the interest of people's benefit. I sadly read today newspaper that our parliament is lacking debates by citing one opposition MP's saying. If it is a case, it is not good sign for people and nation. What's for parliament if MPs are not allowed to argue freely? If they don't need to question or debate, how do they express people's desire or concern. Debating is art of a parliament. No debate, no fair solution. The more debate the more mature democracy in general. Hopefully our parliament will become a place of debates sooner than later to generate an excellence result for our people.

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