Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shared Joy

THE most anticipated time has come again to this year calendar. As a Chinese dominant country, most of companies here used to review wages and performance of last year so that they could give out the right package to each employee. It is therefore the time all employee are expecting as more or less amount of bonus is likely to come to their wallets. For employer side, it is not only to ensure all staff are happy during CNY festive season but trying to attempt maintain best talents of their work force I think. Some staffs may decide whether continue work or move to another possible greener pasture after seeing their bonus. And post CNY holiday time is widely rated the best time for job hunters to find a new job. Hence, those people who are in mind to change job start to prepare for their next working place. So do employers in this respect.

One famous beer company boasted their product in the advertisement, "best things in life are shared". What a good motto is it? I think we should think beyond just a beer advertising billboard beside road. Since marriage, my wife and I allocated 10% of our combine income for our extended families. We used to send the saving in a quarterly basis so that the amount become sizable amount. When CNY bonus come, we usually give to our family members in the part of our obligation to make our family members as happy as we are. 

As time closer to CNY period, my sisters randomly asks me if we are getting any bonus this year time when I give her calls. I understand what does it mean despite she doesn't go further. We usually share our bonus not only to our siblings but our close relatives and elderly persons. But closer relatives get merrier amount. For those who stay in rural part of my country, the amount they receive are valuable thought it is not big enough for us. Some would repay their debt to kill interest rate. Some would cure their age related health such as visiting dental clinic. Some would buy precious metal like gold. It is up to them how they are going to use the money. For us is hearing their happiness on receiving make us long lasting joyous feeling which is invaluable. Yesterday I received this year bonus and I can't wait to inform my eldest sister the good news because she is the one who allocate the money to all siblings including close relatives.

May all less fortunate people able to celebrate joyous moment to its fullest.

1 comment:

  1. ေတာ္လိုက္တာ ။ သူတို႕ရဲ႕ ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္မွဳကို လုပ္ေပးတာဟာ ကိုယ့္အတြက္ တကယ့္ေ်ပာ္ရႊင္မွဳအစစ္ဘဲ ။ အိမ္ေထာင္ဘက္အခ်င္းခ်င္း နားလည္မွဴရွိလို႕သာ အမ်ိဳးေတြကို စိတ္ရွိသလို ေပးႏို္င္တာ ။
