Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One out of Three

WHEN I was single, it was my ideal family to have three children. As most of my younger days were consumed by studying, I needed to postpone my marriage plan to a later date so that I could repay some of my earning to my family. As my wife is my college days classmate, we are easily considered late married couple. Working oversea make our hectic life to reconsider on family plan always. When we think of our saving to transform from house to home, it's discouraging to show green light on bring a child to our life. Fortunately, our first child came to our world without prior notice. It wasn't plan baby. When it come itself, we have to brave enough to overcome incoming challenges.

Now our girl is 2.5 years old and still we cannot live together under one ceiling. The financial security in mind, there is no choice for my wife and me but work oversea. It lead our family apart because we are not SPR and bring foreign baby here to raise is extremely expensive. These all factors make us decide to leave our beloved baby girl behind on home town under care of my eldest sister. It's not easy to live separately for a young family. There are exactly something we need to pay back for chasing after money abroad. We are lacking chance to raise our own baby to our desire by living separately. What else? Likely to get criticism by our daughter when she starts aware that she is left behind by her parent for money. My wife and I guess the worst criticism while expecting to build a best possible future for our little girl.

Given scenario including our age, it is hard to take another baby which is our common desire. We don't want to create a family with single child. We don't want to leave the earth knowing our generation left alone. We want to make two at least so that our little girl has a sibling to call either brother or sister. We believe that two is better than one. Time is ticking and reminding us to move another family project if we are about to take second bundle of joy within family premise. The more delay, the less likely to get successful delivery and it is a rush factor for us. Currently, my wife is trapped in tight schedule and we target the commencing time upon after the ongoing project. My wife and I sincerely hope to have another family project that will add another baby to our very own family. As they said, one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. I'm not sure that we may have a successful family project. But we are relief that we already have a lovingly baby girl in hand to heritage us beyond our days in this planet.

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