Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bad/Good Friend

TAIWAN is always considered as a part of China's territory by China regardless of other opinions in the world society. As a result, Taiwan is not recognized as a nation in UN despite they label themselves as an independent nation. Perhaps it is sign of China power in the world. Fortunately, Taiwan has US to counter China's continuous threat on potential invasion. Taiwan usually rely on US to improve their army so that they can match China's rising military. The most recently, Taiwan wanted to buy US's advanced warplanes F-16 which might cost them US$5.0 billion and US declined their bid to avoid China's serious concern. China always warn US not to interrupt in their domestic affair while Taiwan asked US for their mercy. In term of human right, I think US has a right to protect Taiwan as long as they got Taiwan's consent. However, US opted to alternative contract to upgrade Taiwan's existing fleet of fighters which are also lower version of F-16. Beijing has shown their unhappiness on the deal despite US avoid their lucrative sale. China set back their military cooperation agreement to show their concern. It's very obvious to understand that China don't want US to assist Taiwan by selling their advanced weapon. Let it be as it's the policies of world's two biggest economies and beyond our control.

What matter most to me is that China is doing the same thing US does to Taiwan against our country, I believe. Since independence in 1948, our government continuously struggling to cope with ethnic rebels. There are several ethnic armies who fight government army for more than 5 decades. Those rebels who are stationing at the border of China are getting weapon from China. Our government might have known that trend but helpless to block China's activities because China has big influence on our government. China always claim that they are our good neighboring country. How can it be true while China is assisting our rebel group by selling weapon they needed to fight government? I'm not happy to learn that UWSA (United Wa State Army) become stronger by time and even they dare to oppose government's proposal on transforming border guard. The UWSA is regarded as Chinese army widely due to their Chinese population background. They have even factory to produce their own weapon. They are taking 4 townships as their territory and government is helplessly look them control that area. It look like they are living there as a separate country and I am very upset to see like that in my country. I'm not pro-government but thing come like that, I'ld support government side. With the help of China, this particular rebel group stronger and seem untouchable.

How do our government address this problem in the long run unless they can press China to stop from assisting them? It's look like China is trying to set their own army on our backyard. Is China trying to make plan-B should our democratic government resist their will in future? Probably yes to this thinking. I would like to request China not to do the act that they don't like US do on their case. Please help our government's afford in trying to reconcile among our races. Then we'll rate you a good neighbor unconditionally. At the moment, we're not happy with the way you are treating us. You take most of our natural resources, then you try to reinforce our rebel force. How can you say yourself that you are our good neighbor by doing so? We hope you'll proof it by taking concrete steps with the interest of our national peace.

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