Monday, November 2, 2009

My college campus days

I met a lot old friends at the college and some of them are already a teacher who will teach in our new class. It's amazed to see friends as a classmate as well as a teacher at the same time. Being very early stage of first batch, our class is combination of all stars from 6 batches from 1995 to 2000. Being 1997 batch student, I have to study together with a younger and older classmate. It's amazing to get such experience and another strange thing is the teacher are at our ages. As I say above, some of them are my same batch friends. Anyway I have to finish this story since I already registered to attend this course.

I came here with a big ambition and found a disappointing carriculum and teaching standard. I thought that I would be able to learn a lot new design method by attending this course. But my hope are destroyed when I arrive and learn day by day. I do realise that I cannot get what I want from this school but a piece of paper called certificate. But I keep my hard working sense and try to get a good roll number among top students. I am a medium class students among all I think. Sometime we don't have a permanent text books to be taught and teachers are usually used photo copies leiture notes to teach us. I don't know it is standard teaching way in our country or not. But I have to accept this circumstance bcz no choice.

Another one I taste bitter was we were not afford to ask counter question upon teaching. They, our young teachers, are not expertise in what they teaching us. So they only would know about the problem they are currently teaching. They'ld find it trouble if there are some curious question upon confusion with their teaching. I am one of those who eager to ask teachers and I significantly a target of them to be hated. Is it our right to ask whenever we are not clear? I think it is basic right for a student and teachers are responsible for explaining on their pupil's questions. They are paid for that and we are here for that. Needless to hate or love between student-teacher aware. But I suffer from it by someway.

Another thing I didn't like was we need to answer exam question as they taught us. I do accept in answer the design subjects as we don't know how to calculate problems by other ways except theirs. Matter is at the theory subject like management, why do we need to answer exactly? In my idea, we should be allowed to answer as we think by writing own style. I demands for openness and they demand for copy way. Does it mean they favour to a students who intend to answer unfair and illegal way? I don't know why it happened to us. Probably it's because of very young teachers and lack of experience. We demand competent teacher who can guide us correct way. I want to study hard but I don't know how to do it and where to start it to become industry effective engineer. At some point, I do wanted to quit from school and my family didn't agree with me. Being a obedient family member, it's hard to against my family's desire. By this way I finished the degree course after 3 year study in 2004 January.


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