Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stop doing nonsense

THESE days, the day hacking of British soldier by two Muslim in central London has been world's headline. We are interestingly following how the British authority is responding the devastating case and prevent potential anti-Muslim strikes on road. Days after the case, there was another similar case happened on Paris's central shopping area, in which a Muslim man stabbed an on duty policeman and ran away. French police is still hunting the offender and keep saying the two cases are not related. Anyway, public anxiety are not something they can't prevent due to this two cases within a relatively short time frame. Some activists commented cautiously that two terrorist like criminals cases have been committed in public on the countries that respect human right. We are seeing problem solving by a wise authority without creating unnecessary public unrest.

Unlike in Europe, my countrymen are apparent no tolerance when they are seeing religious link case. Myanmar newly reformist government have been struggling with handling communal unrest, mostly between minority Muslim and majority Buddhists. As the problem come frequently, we begin to doubt if the hard liners within administration are involving in the series of unrest. While central town unrest has yet to settled, another flash case came in yesterday. This time in north eastern Myanmar town. The media said a visiting Muslim trying to kill a local woman with gasoline and firing. The victim was lucky to be escaped by locals people. The angry mob started to fire religious building and Muslim owned shops to express their angry against authority. We hate seeing such case one after another. But it keep coming. Why our authority cannot stop such nonsense case happening on our land? They should step down if they are unable to govern the country with the proper way for capable person I think. But it is always easier than done. As people see such case frequently, anti-Muslim behavior will become stronger among people and it won't help our leaders to build the nation they're trying to.

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