Monday, April 1, 2013

Accommodation headache

WE all know that Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world. If I am not wrong it is ranked 6th most expensive city worldwide in recent survey. As a married couple, we need to rent a room in public housing as our work pass type do not provide accommodation by our respective employer. We need to pay S$850 per month for a common room with air-condition. There are quite basis furniture provided inside, such as small wardrobe and raw bed frames for two. Other amenities such as washing machine, gas stove & refrigerator need to be shared with other flatmates. Last week our head tenant sms me to notify the news that he may need to adjust room rental fees based on new extended contract. The message highlight us that room rental is going to be S$900 with effect from May 1 this year. 

In fact, it is complying term and condition which allow both sides to give one month prior notice for terminating their current deal. Of course the message is not for good for all of us but have to consume if we cannot find new cheaper place. Finding a cheap and proper place within short period is not an easy job. Moving one place after another is also a task we all don't want to do frequently. As such, my wife and I have to continue pay with new rate as we believe our head tenant also needs to pay government more. Coming Saturday, two sisters and my daughter will come here to visit us during school summer holiday. Upon my enquiry on how much extra room-rental need to pay this month, he just sms me to pay S$400 more for 2 adults and 1 kid for their 30 days stay.

I was expecting to pay S$300 for premium as PUB bill may go up due to more users during my family visit. When I receive the sms saying 400, I am really upsetting as it is not expected amount. I replied sms to counter-offer with 300 as like last year and he counter sms me to make deal as middle at $350 which I agreed. If he is me, I would not take so much extra for family short visiting. But understand that everybody has their own set of attitude toward things. I have to respect it. One thing I could do to protest is to give 1 month prior notice to move out next month and find new place. As the current place is quite comfortable for us and I tried to persuade my wife to continue stay. It is always my wife to complain room rental fees and I avoided to keep move. Perhaps the moving story would be coming our way sooner than later in search of cheaper place.

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