Thursday, June 14, 2012

Moral Value

ONE recent local news said that Singapore's teachers are feeling hot due to incoming pressure from parent of students. Why is it so in republic whose educational system is one of the best in the world? Its self-explanatory revealed a story to explain. Student A hit another student B. A school's disciplinary board is taking it into consideration for justice. Student A's mother gave a call to school to express her intention to report police if her son is canned for the offense he did. Sound like warning to school authority. They claimed this trend has been growing in the demanding society. One senior teacher said that today education is considered servicing firm while the parent and students are assuming themselves as a customers. Good / fortunate thing is that MOE is seriously stand by the side of teachers to encourage their professional behavior against any odds that come from society.

I am more and more hearing a saying from Myanmar community here that their children are not taking any form of scoring from parent. They are even dare to say that they would inform police if they are beaten/forced by parent. As a person who has grown up in Buddhist community myself, it is quite shock to learn that. At first, I thought it is just rumor and incorrect. Nothing more but parent try to boast by telling other that their children are studying here. In view of above publish story in local paper, it could be true story among younger generation. Then, where gone Asian value? We Asian people usually value at traditional things. Our religious always teach us to respect each other. Our traditional never fail to teach us how to respect those superiors while to kind inferiors. From the perspective of that view, the current problem with young students here are not acceptable. Perhaps their education is world class, I world not appreciate if their mindset are not right. I think school should teach their students not only to develop IQ but EQ which is soft skill and more useful to survive in stressful life. As a parent of a child myself, I would have to convince my daughter to value our tradition when time come send her school. Hopefully, our school at home land yet to loose traditional value that we cannot find in international schools.

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