Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I, Immigrant Worker

I AM disappointing to read one opinion article titled "Myanmar's chance to help Rohingya" by assistant editor of Bangkok Post. The writer is quoting some saying by a Rohingya who is staying in Thailand. It's understandable that people have the right to talk what they think is freely regardless of true or false. However, I cannot understand when it come to publish especially in a popular media website like Bangkok Post. The rank, assistant editor, make my surprise even more. As per name, the writer is supposed to be a Thailand national. I am sure that Thailand is facing the similar problem in their southern provinces which are bordering with Muslim country, Malaysia. It seem never end civil war between Muslim ethnic Thailand and Buddhist fellow citizens. She should have sympathize our current violence crisis rather than writing an article which is generated to favor wrong side.

In fact, our case is not the same  with Thailand one because Thailand's case is between their citizens. Ours is local versus illegal immigrant from neighboring Muslim state. As a Buddhist nation, we have a kind heart to respect others regardless of background so long as they are not problem makers. In the current case, Rohinga people are taking advantage from the regional criminal case to get world's notice towards them. Our authority has allowed them to live within our territory. It's good enough for them getting a land to call home. However, they betrayed our honest and sincere cooperation with international community by creating current riot. Sadly, the world media and leading nations is thinking this is problem of 2 ethnic races in Burma as well as different religion. The writer even claims that Myanmar's authority and arm forces are looking at the locals people are burning the houses of Rohingya. No such thing in real condition. Rohingya people are burning Buddhist local's villages. When security forces are controlling, they even would burn their own houses to make situation chaos. It's lucky enough for them that our authority didn't fire at them in the given scenario.

It's totally wrong to comment on things that you don't realize well. It's defensing our land by local Rakhine ethnic race against invaders called stateless Rohingya. We never ever have Rohingya race in our centuries long history. It's definitely just overspill of Bangladesh's population. The Bangladesh has rejected UNHCR's request to accept those fled from Myanmar's current violence. It clearly show that even Muslim country don't want to accept their same religion people. In other word, no country want to accept trouble maker people. I have been working in foreign countries for more than 7 years including Malaysia which is a Muslim state. From my personal experience, our people are widely recognized that peaceful and obedient workers among local employers. Our people never fight in work. Our people never complained to bosses. Our people always respect resident country's law. Malaysian even dislike Muslim foreign workers as they are real threat to their religion and social problem. Because some Muslim workers are taking advantage by making loves with local Muslim women and leave behind without taking responsibilities. This is just one example among others. 

I am now working in another country which has good reputation with law governing. People think this country is strict to live and work in. Some people even rate this country as a nanny state because there are so many do and don't in a daily life. I personally think is those law government make this country getting good reputation and become top nation in the world community. May be it is strict to live in for those who are not considerate. For those who are discipline may call it heaven. I have been here over 4 years and find it nice place to live and work in. I don't think strict law make me irritate to follow. So long as we all have to respect local laws, it's going to be fine with residing country. Likewise, Rohingya should have respected residing country's law and order unless they don't pay tribute to local culture. It's a must and obligation of all residents if they are supposed to get citizen status. I am sure every country in the world will go the same procedue when they are thinking about their immigration policy. In brief, Myanmar don't need to take this chance to help Rohingya since this is bad chance. In fact this behavior could be called a modern terrorist that the whole world against and outrage.

May all citizen and race able to understand to respect their respective country's law and order as it is their obligation.

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