Sunday, May 13, 2012

We miss you, too

A WEEK after my daughter return home, we got a successful call to my sister who guardian my daughter. We're glad to know that their return journey back home was smooth. There wasn't travel sick and now well settling in home town. As per my sister, my daughter return her room straight away and stay at her room alone. The neighbors are surprising with the way my daughter behave after return from oversea trip. They notice that she became quiet person and stingy on her properties such as toys. Previously, she enjoy to visit neighbor houses alone. After visiting parent, she don't want to go out of her room. She would ask her nanny retired couple to switch on her digital album.

In order not to forget stay-away parent, we bought a digital album to let her see us through photos. We gave it to her as one year old Birthday present. At one year, she didn't aware so much about the digital photo frame while she loves to open conventional hard copy album. We uploaded new photos during her April trip here. As she is now one year and nine month, she started to recognize parent more than before. She would explain her nanny couple when digital album is running on display. In lure of her attention, we saved only family photos in her digital album. Thus, she would explain to surround people that this is Dad, Mum & Myself as the photo come out by slide.

My sister told me that she also frequently ask her to borrow mobile to call Dad. As my sister is a teacher, she is good at reading a person's attitude. She is surprise to learn our daughter's changing behavior in daily basis. We thought, she is too young to feel missing parent at her age. But the sign show she is missing her parent as we were suddenly departed each other after staying together one month here. We had a good family time during April and hope she also felt the same either. She would pick up hand phone and tell "hello Daddy". What a sad sense is it for people around? 

We're feeling sad as well when being told by my sister. My wife was struggling to control her tear from eyes. I understand the feeling of a mother if it's not easy emotion for a Dad. My wife urged me when are we going to return home so that we can live together with our princess. A question hard to answer at the moment while I could give general answer to console her. To be honest, we can't afford to return home both suddenly before we carefully make a plan. My daughter will be two year in coming mid July and we target to return home when she reaches school-going age by latest. We don't let her suffer due to us. We believe there is a will there would be a way. And we looking for that day. Dear our little princess, we also miss you too.


  1. Really hit my heart!
    Time are close to me also; anyway we have to face it...;(

  2. Sorry if my post make u sad.
