SINGAPORE, easily can be called first world country. But her people's behavior, sometime, are not apparent in the same class of its counterparts from other first world countries. Long time ago, I read somebody's concern with regard to this issue under voice section of local newspaper. She reiterated the story in which one woman is accompany with her about 5 years old son. The two are in the queue of toilet for their turn to come. The writer is just behind a women and her son. Suddenly, the woman pull her son up and put on the nearby counter basin top. Then, she took the boy's pant off and let him pees into the basin in front of fellow public members who are in queue. The boy first a bit reluctant as he seem shy. Later he realize that he cannot deny his mum's instruction and did it. After that the two went out of room. The unhappy writer stop a woman and told that she didn't do such kind of thing in public because her son is still young and shouldn't be encouraged such bad behavior. Instead of she has to say sorry politely, she just hit back to considerate person with few words and straight away went out of room. What she told is, "This is emergency".
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