JUST couple weeks away to by-elections, long debated civil servant's salary raise proposal is approved by MOFR (Ministry of Finance & Revenue). Some pessimists said it's a way of convince to people to vote ruling party. Regardless of reason, we have to welcome such news that bring some relief to our government office holders. Probably, the ruling party will have a reason to enforce the law against corruption to become good government and clean governance. It's fair to introduce carrot and stick policy. Despite the new salaries sill not match to current living expenses, the new move definitely will make civil servants a new breath. It doesn't matter how much the salary is raised for those greedy officers, they will continue to take advantage of poor law by corrupting where possible. With new rise, the lowest rank in the government staff will earn 2,100 Ks (S$3.36) a day now. Perhaps it's enough for a person at least if he/she is deemed healthy.
The government should take necessary measure to curb corrupted manner in the premise of government office to ease public's plight in approaching government office. We definitely hope to see improved service by government staff at least from April 1 onwards. With the prospect of NLD members winning in upcoming by-elections, our people might have better chance to encounter such positive movements in near future. May all our people free from poverty and able to access basic necessities without worry.
The government should take necessary measure to curb corrupted manner in the premise of government office to ease public's plight in approaching government office. We definitely hope to see improved service by government staff at least from April 1 onwards. With the prospect of NLD members winning in upcoming by-elections, our people might have better chance to encounter such positive movements in near future. May all our people free from poverty and able to access basic necessities without worry.
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