Monday, June 3, 2013

Lost amid news

NEWS are flowing time by time. Some good and some bad. We are following them by interest. Most of them are discouraging than encouraged ones. We are likely to feel sad/angry than happy after reading those ongoing news through internet. But we still glue our eyes at computer screen. We cannot simply turn away our face out of screen. It is because we love our country and want to see what's happening in our country concurrently. 

Myanmar is definitely under scrutiny of the World community for its action. It keep generating one case after another. It apparent never end. It's condition like a balloon that can be exploit at any given time. Visibly there are some conservatives within administrative cycle who seek how to return previous stage. Our president keep saying good but seem no powerful when it come against military. Our top officials seem lacking capacity to handle variety of cases by their own. Their advisers sometime look distraught with the cases. There are so many questions unanswered. The world is praising for some reforms and opposition accuse government keep talking with no action. It has been 3 years on now and there is no much different for grass root level people's lifestyle. Life's hardship even more difficult than before by rapid inflation rate. No middle class to protest government's unfair action. High end communities like cronies perhaps worry to see country transform to democracy successfully because their interest come more under communist style administration.

We're trying to return home on any possible occasion. The current situation is not encouraging. We want to work honestly on home soil. But the situation doesn't favor for those who only interest in work alone. Understandable fighting corruption will take long time to eradicate all. In that scenario, our dream of home returning seem dim and there is no way but to pray for real progress in homeland with the guidance of an able leader.

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