Wednesday, November 2, 2011


PCC....? Pure Cars Carrier, a giant ship which can carry a lot of motorcars. Just now I read on local EMG website and never seen this word before. The news said today first PCC will arrive our port with mostly used cars. There would be another 2 PCC within this month. Anyway we have to welcome such news as the ship will bring some prosperity to our society. These days, there have been some noisy with regard to cars importing. The authority keep busying to create a good industrial practice to block unfair trade. The official car show-rooms are in the pipeline and people are already walking on the moon. Some middle class people might have kept their dream of owning a car sooner or later. The prospect of owning a car become more realistic now compare to our past time. In past, it's considered luxury and look like a product for super rich only. The ordinary people can't imagine to own a car in our country. Now our beloved president changed those dirty minded business to a well orientated policies.

I am surprising to learn that Myanmar's demand on used cars has affected to Japan's used car market. At the same time, I am worried to read recently news that Japanese authority has detected some car with radioactive infection that can harm human beings. They found those radio active affected cars are beyond allowable limit. So they are trying not to export such cars to prevent Japanese reputation. Anyway there would be some escaping from the inspection due to dirty minded business people. Hope those escape radioactive cars won't go to Myanmar which is already in the mode of car-hungry land. Like Japanese authority does, our authority should have aware to block such car from importing. May our authority able to detect such unwanted cars without bribing to protect our people's interest.

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