Monday, June 10, 2013


WHEN an Indonesian maid in Singapore committed murder, her embassy never asked her why are you doing stupid thing like that. Instead, Indonesia embassy official hired a law firm to engage the case and defend their citizen in court in order to get minimum sentence.

WHEN a Thai student fell into rail track and lost her leg, her embassy official never asked her why you are careless on public. Instead, they are helping her needs on hospital and consult with law firm to get compensation from SMRT as much as possible.

WHEN Philippine maids and immigrant workers lost their jobs due to global economic recession, their embassy never asked them why are you going abroad to work. Instead, their government arranged navy warships and planes to fetch their citizens return home safely.

WHEN Ghanaian police arrested Chinese citizens who are illegally digging gold mine, China government spoke-person never blamed their citizen for doing illegal thing abroad. Instead, they demand justice and immediate release to Ghana officials and soon they were released and over 100 were deported.

WHEN US researcher suicides in Singapore, US embassy official assisted necessary help toward victim family members who do not believe suicide and file to court for justice. They never said he had been died and nothing can make him alive. With the help of embassy, the victim family able to voice their opinion even in the court to make the case high profile one among world's media.

WHEN Myanmar citizens are killed by apparent Rohingya in Malaysia, our citizen were told not to go outside and not to drunk which is not recommended way of diplomatic. When such things happened in our home land, there are a lot human right organization voice out, especially from OIC. Does it mean human right only apply on Muslim people? Isn't it our citizen are not entitled to get protection of human right law? Why our government is not adequately response to mitigate the toll? There are a lot of questions unanswered through online. I don't want to be pessimist but must voice as a good citizen. If I close my eyes and ears through unfair cases, I might have betrayed myself for justice.

I would like to urge our authority to do their best so that our fellow countrymen are safe abroad and if possible make arrangement to bring back home safely through diplomatic channels. It is easier said to return for workers in Malaysia without diplomatic help. So please do act quickly for the sake of our people. Thank you.

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