Thursday, July 29, 2010

My unused logo

ONE YEAR ago I received one invitation for logo competition by the association of CGTI, the name of institute where I studied my engineering basic. The group had been successfully organized on 2007 in Singapore and has grown up relatively with increasing members. The firm keep collecting funds through several activities and donate back to mother institute in the purpose of filling gap such as supporting in needy retire lecturers. As the purpose of group is innocent, no wonder the group became bigger by times. As time goes by, more and more engineers from my country arrived in lion city for the search of a better life and experience.

One day, the leading members decided to create a logo of CGTI family (Singapore) by making a logo competition with the coincidence of first ever gathering outside mother land. As a member, I also received an invitation letter and replied the organization committee for my registration. I noticed that the given time was only 2 weeks and it will be tough for all participants to brain storming. But I am pretty sure I can submit at least one logo for our family group and I enquired them if I can compete with more than one logo. The happily replied me yes and I start my discovery for my logo idea through online. I was almost unable to do all other things except this logo. I read a lot of logo designer's workshop and also read more newspaper than ever. I take extra notice on road side announcement and advertisement with the purpose of getting some idea.

I learned how the company logo are drawn as well as public agency's logo. Even I studied upon football club's logo around the world. This time I took advantages of internet and it make me easier compare to my previous traditional search through a small library or own books. I aim as high as possible and paid attention totally for the on time submission. Finally I selected about 12 logos from my drafts and submitted one day before dead line. I was very pleased for on time submission and of course full of excitement for the result. I was looking forward for the result through my email inbox but nothing changed.

Then I asked one leading organizer about the result and their answer made me disappointed. They said me that they received only one participant who is me. What a pity experience? Does it mean they have to select from my submission? I guess people in here are so busy and poor in time to make good things for society. There is no point to blame to any body for that. The following day organizer issues one notice that read there have been extension time for potential participants. The notice was attached my some logos with numbering and they also requested to all membership to select their choice from the given logo even if they can't submit their own.

First extension time wasn't changed and they make another extension time offer. Finally they reached a result on the day of CGTI first gathering day in Singapore's East Coast together with the paying tribute to our retired lecturers who are currently visit to lion city. To be conclude, my proposed designed were not selected from the judges and I was embarrassing amid my fellow institute-mate. So I was curious to see the winning logo and it make me feel upset. The worse thing is explanation of leading judge for their selection. Some logo that come with late submission are a bit copy-cat effort to mine. But the winning one is different from mine as the winner used combination of two items to become his logo.

The winning logo is formed of two parts that the statue of labour leader and pinion of machine. The judge explained the reasons of their selection. First the winning logo include pinion that represent engineer and second the statue of labour leader that represent our institute because our institute was the same as this leader. What a cheap judgement? Why they can't think out of box? Probably they are still using conventional ways despite they are working in oversea. No person outside Burma will consider the pinion is the symbol of engineering. May be they are conservative.

I don't say it for not choosing mine. I would be happy if the winning design is fantastic and beautiful. I drew my logo with some intentional effect behind. The judge never asked me for the creation of mine. Probably they don't understand the meaning of mine or I have failed to catch their attention. Anyway my logos were dumped away and I tried not to look at it again so that I can heal my pain asap. I went and praise the winner for his achievement and my wife was stood by me with sad feeling. Finally we return home with the consolation price that is electric kettle and it became one evidence that can remind me that event.

Hopefully I have gained some good lessons from this sorrowful experience. I share herewith all my logo for your pleasure or judgement. Another thing I am writing this is to record my life experience so that I can share my daughter in future on how life sometime goes on while we have to accept but do nothing. Wish organizer won't read this post in future.

May all my fellow citizen able to think out of box.

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