WE, today generation, are increasingly using Facebook as a part of our daily life. By this way, we felt connecting among us, no matter how far apart between us. Also we could able to build bigger social cycle through our mutual friends with the help of Facebook. As a result, we all have an opportunity to exchange some good moment/experience through internet. It is good side of FB I am believing. I however recently annoyed by a fellow FB user who is friend of my friend. She is my fellow citizen and uploaded to a photo of my friend who is in bikini. It's nothing wrong to upload any photo what you like in FB. I could able to understand it. My friend was tagged by her and I could able to view as a third party. I never seen my friend in such photo publicly and amazed it to witness. So I just comment saying a photo of surprise. The problem started from there. The uploader seem unhappy with my comment and followed with some harsh words. Then, I try to reconcile the appear misunderstanding between us through commentary section. But it went bad to worse. Eventually, she blocked at me which I feel is appropriate because we are not happy at our commenting.
I feel that I am just expressing simple words so called "surprise". It is not offense words in deed. But I receive some form of assaulted words unfairly. In frank, Facebook is created for some social service and fun among friends. Friends can be kidding and we all should forgive if somebody even make a mistake on commenting. I am not writing this because I am regretting to lose a friend who is a friend of mine. I am just writing in wonder why my fellow citizens not behave as they are expected to. It is understandable if they are not educated people. But I also take this opportunity to get some lesson on commenting other photos. I'll take extra care on commenting other's photos in future.
No wonder our lady keep reminding our fellow citizens who stay abroad to unite whenever she gets a chance to meet them.